Yu Zhou
Assistant Professor
Institute of Sensing Technology and Business
Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT)
Email: yuzhou AT bupt DOT edu DOT cn
Mailing Address: 806 New Research Building , Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT), No.10 Xitucheng Road, Haidian District, Beijing, 100876, China
Computer Vision, and Robotics.
New! One paper have been accepted by ICCV2017. Congratulations to Jianxiang! (2017-07-17)
New! The IJCV paper is selected as the ESI top 1% highly cited papers in the last 10 years. (IJCV论文入选全球“计算机科学/人工智能”领域Top 1% ESI高被引论文) (2017-01-05)
New! I was invited to serve as a youth committee member of Video Image Processing and Communication committee, China Society of Image and Graphics. (中国图象图形学学会视频图像处理与通信专业委员会青年工作委员会委员) (2016-10-20)
New! I was invited to serve as a TPC member for the 8th International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP), 2016. (2016-08-01)
New! One paper is published in IJCV. (2016-07-15)
New! One paper is published in IEEE Intelligent Systems. (2016-02-09)
The target following papar is the Most Read paper in IJPRAI, 300+ downloads.
The review paper for shape analysis (In Chinese) is the TOP 30 most cited paper in recent 5 years in Acta Automatic Sinica, 70+ citations, 1200+ downloads. (自动化学报近5年发表的最高引用论文TOP30, 70+引用,1200+下载)
Our robot navigation demos have been posted on YouTube:
Demo of a Mobile Robot Tracking a Person in a Hallway.
Demo of a Mobile Robot Tracking a Person.
视觉遮挡边缘模型及其在视频目标表观建模中的应用研究,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目 (61703049),Jan. 2018 - Dec. 2020. PI (主持)
应用于机器人导航的障碍物检测与跟踪研究,北京邮电大学青年科研创新计划专项 (2017RC53),Jan. 2017 - Dec. 2018. PI (主持)
面向复杂XX的大数据分析方法与决策支持,国家自然科学基金重点项目 (U1435220), Jan. 2015 - Dec. 2018. Co-PI (参与)
自适应视觉匹配计算模型及应用,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目 (61201377),Jan. 2013 - Dec. 2015. (参与)
Youth committee member of Video Image Processing and Communication committee, China Society of Image and Graphics. (中国图象图形学学会视频图像处理与通信专业委员会青年工作委员会委员)
TPC member of the 8th International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP), 2016.
Reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (TMM), IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics (TCYB), IEEE Access, Pattern Recognition (PR), Computer Vision and Image Understanding (CVIU), Neurocomputing, IET Computer Vision, Frontiers of Computer Science.